The oxide of a metal has 32% oxygen. Its equivalent weight would be
My father ___________ newspaper after getting up
Studies have revealed what more is the reason people are asked to come up with in support of an idea, the less value they ascribe to each
The Federation of Andhra Pradesh Industries has expressed concern at the _____ financial situation and has threatened to launch an agitation if the government does not extend concessions.(A) exacerbating(B) deteriorating(C) rising(D) diminishing(E) receding(F) escalating
According to me, 'Leisure' is one of the best poem written by 'W.H. Davis
His legal ------ is sheela
In summer, days are more warmer than nights
Indian film studios are now competent enough to produce sophisticated creative content with their technical _____.(A) capability(B) affluence(C) impact(D) prowess(E) support(F) Prowl
A person who remains courageous even during times of _____ will ultimately emerge successful.(A) grief(B) adversity(C) destruction(D) horror(E) suffering(F) cheer
The city is a unique blend of tradition and _____ because it still retains its old world charm despite rapid urbanisation.(A) history(B) progress(C) modernity(D) retrogression(E) liberalism
Finishing the dinner, the guests retired to their rooms
He is so clever to be easily deceived
Merit is the only criteria which is adapted in the selection of candidates
My copy is as good or better than yours