As compare to hose for car washing, bucketing uses
Water can be kept pure if we throw
To prevent excess use of tap water, we can collect
Statement:The laws and statutes framed by the government for the purpose of providing equal treatment to every citizens, on implementation perpetuate corrupt working system.Conclusions:I. The laws and statutes should be framed but they should not be implemented to avoid corrupt working system.II. There should be obvious method to investigate corrupt working system
His legal ------ is sheela
Not only he was an actor but also a politician
Statement:The board of directors of the company 'K' has decided in principle to wind up or sell off its business in all but core competency areas.Courses of action:I. The top management will have to first identify core competency areas of its operation.II. It will have to identify and shift its people from core competency areas to non core area
Mr. Rana has no control _________ his student
When are you going to Delhi
Overpopulation and exploitation of natural resources is dramatically increasing the vulnerability of modern society to natural _____ such as earthquakes, floods and voicanic eruptions.(A) disruptions(B) tumults(C) disasters(D) catastrophes(E) phenomena(F) upheavals
Drama is related to director in the same way as the magazine is related to ---
Ten boys are standing in a row facing the same direction. Abhijit, who is seventh from the left end of the row, is to the immediate right of Sushant, who is fifth from the right end of the row. Sushant is third to the right to the right of Rupin. How many children are there between Abhijit and Rupin
After 4 p.m. on a sunny day when Ramesh was returning from his school, he saw his uncle coming in the opposite direction. His uncle talked to him for some time. Ramesh saw that the shadow of his uncle was to his right side. Which direction was his uncle facing during their talk