Scientific methods and means to store, process and transmit vast amounts of information in seconds with help of electronic equipments is called
The number pipe is location sensitive, which means that the same format argument will produce differently formatted results based on the . . . . . .
Observables help you manage . . . . . . . . data
The ______ directive substitutes the normal href property and makes it easier to work with route links in Angular 2
How would you display a list of Employees on a webpage along with where they were in the list
A special mention is required about the children element marked with the . . . . . . . . . . . directive attribute. This attribute qualifies the template that will be displayed when no other value defined by its ngSwitchWhen siblings matches the parent conditional expression
How would you retrieve a list of items from a server's URL
Which of the following is not a Session method
We can subscribe to an observable using the . . . . . . . . The benefit of this is that Angular deals with your subscription during the lifecycle of a component. Angular will automatically subscribe and unsubscribe for you
The . . . . . decorator allows us to define the pipe name that is globally available for use in any template in the across application
Continuous implementation is _____ process
How does Angular 4 improved error handling, when an error is caused by something in a template
If you chain multiple pipes together, they are executed
Angular 2 components can be described using ________is a way to do some meta-programming