242 + 420 + 1611 + 647 equals
Simplify : (y4b-a . y4c-b . y4a-c) / (ya . yb . yc)3
Simplify the following: (169/121)-3/2 * 27/2 * (13/22)-1
(3-3 * 95/2) / (272/3 * 3-4) =
Three persons A, B and C divide a certain amount of money such that A's share is Rs. 4 less than half of the total amount, B's share is Rs. 8 more than half of what is left and finally C takes the rest which is Rs. 14. Find the total amount they initially had with them
If 34m+1 = 37m-5, solve for m
If in a box of dimensions 6 m * 5 m * 4 m smaller boxes of dimensions 60 cm * 50 cm * 40 cm are kept in it, then what will be the maximum number of the small boxes that can be kept in it
By how much is 3/5th of 875 greater than 2/3 of 333
If 24m+2 = 46m-4, solve for m