List which contains only elements is
If the capacity ‘c’ of a lift is at most 1500 pounds, then:
Depreciation postings can be executed
The Customizing Client should have the option in SCC4 as
Before releasing a change request, the following tasks should be completed
If Planck's constant were zero, then the total energy contained in a box filled with radiation of all frequencies at temperature T would be ( k is the Boltzmann constant and T is nonzero)
You can post transactions to an account in any currency only if
What is the scheduler that checks the job scheduling table in the databases that are waiting for processing and transfer them to the free background work process in accordance with their priority
Which of the following contains a message server
Copying of one package name to another package name is called
Development classes contains ____________
While creating a sample account, following information may be entered
When a user sends a request to sap system via browser, web requests are first handled by
Which layer in a SAP client server architecture processes ABAP programs