In terms of its effect on application programs, the most important schema is
A way of guarding against deadlock prevention is to
The database design prevents some data from being stored due to
A programming paradigm based on concept of "objects", which may contain attributes and code in form of procedures is called
If a comparing instruction and branch instruction uses some architectures, to treat these comparisons chooses as
A vast majority of current database systems are based on the
Computer bus which allows processor to communicate with peripheral devices is
A collection of tables to represent both data and relationships among data, is known as
Form of data model which focuses concepts in same way as data stored in computer system is classified as
In database management system, executing process or executing program which considers updating or reading of records stored in database is called
If a computer in a network accesses resources that are shared by other computers it is called a
Increased ratio of chemical nutrients in ecosystem is classified as
One of the following is an erroneous function definition, can you spot it
Classes that can be used to instantiate objects are called concrete classes