Who is the author of βA Life of Changeβ?
What is Mizoram area and population rank in India respectively ?
The maximum packet size of Ethernet is
The most commonly used algorithm technique for external sorting is
known as
Aggregation function such as ranking and windowing queries, allows efficient
Active filters are generally made up of
Most commonly used algorithm technique for external sorting is known as
If density of a liquid is 20 g cm-1, height is 4 cm and gravitational field strength is 10 N kg-1, pressure of liquid is
In case of A4 search algorithm, if the equality condition is on a key, the strategy can retrieve
The A5 search algorithm uses a
File scans are algorithms for searching that is used to locate and retrieve records, fulfilling a
The ability of the circuit to respond to a certain frequency and discriminate against all other frequencies is called
For a query evaluation plans can be
A6 search algorithm uses a/an