The linear programming model which involves the funds allocation of limited investment is classified as
Generalized form of matrix is best represented as
In simplex method, slack, surplus and artificial variables are restricted to be
Variable in dual problem which can assume negative values, positive values or zero values is classified as
The dual problem statement is formulated with the help of information available in another statement called
In simplex method, feasible basic solution must satisfy the
Non basic variable which is used to replace basic variable is variable which has
According to algebra of simplex method, slack variables are assigned zero coefficients because
In linear programming, most popular non-graphical procedure is classified as
In linear programming, number of requirements must be satisfied in simplex method are
Slope of linear equation straight line is quantified with help of
Third requirement of simplex method is that all variables are restricted to include
Files whose names end in .h are called _____ files
Flat surface like blackboard is classified as