The events of the evening ______ without difficulty despite the lack of planning on the part of the host
The surgeon placed a ______ on the femoral artery to bind it during the long and exhausting surgery
The castaway’s hut was ______ by the natives curious to see who the intruder was upon their island
The swimmer’s back injury ______ his prospects for a gold medal at the world championship competition
People often referred to Noelle as ______ because she trusted everyone and even slept with her doors unlocked
When Arnold’s grandmother began to complain about the excruciating pain in her knees and legs, she was referred to an ______ specialist for a diagnosis
The peasants passed their weary days in much ______ and little comfort
It is every American person’s ______ to live the life he or she chooses
Wearing the designer’s latest fashions, the ______ clothing model sashayed down the runway
Henley’s ______ remarks about my presentation did not bother me because I knew I’d done a good job
The concert audience was frustrated by the poor ______ of the sounds coming from the speakers
The children knew that once their father made his decision, the new rule would be ______ because he would never change his mind
The employee’s claim of being out with the flu did not seem very ______ because he returned from sick leave with a deep tan
The CEO’s large expense accounts proved she was a ______ spender with the company’s money