What is the lifespan of platelets?
Match the given symptoms with the disease and its causative organism.
A maize plant has the following symptoms:
1. Chlorosis and white streaks on leaves which become necrotic with time, leading to shredded leaf appearance
2. Sterility in adult plants
सरीता और गौरी की वर्तमान आयु का गुणनफल 320 है. अब से आठ वर्ष बाद, सरिता की आयु गौरी की आयु की तीन गुणा होगी जब गौरी के जन्म के समय सरिता की आयु कितनी थी?
Confidentiality with asymmetric-key cryptosystem has its own
Considering kingdom protista, algae resembles to plant cell because of presence of
Did children play football after studies
The Cabinet Committee on Investments has been set-up to address which of the following___
Pointing towards a girl in the picture, Sarita said “ she is the mother of Neha whose father is my son”, How is Sarita related to the girl in the picture
Statement:The government run company had asked its employees to declare their income and assets but it has been strongly resisted by employees union and no employee is going to declare his income.Conclusions:I. The employees of this company do not seen to have any additional undisclosed income besides their salary.II. The employees union wants all senior officers to declare their income first
RMI Architecture consists of how many layers
there are two vessels which are filled with milk of two quantities worth RS.10 per litre and RS. 11 per litre .in what approximate ratio these two be mixed to get a new quality of milk of worth RS.10.6 litre
In the world of today, material values take precedence..........spiritual values
Which of the following is the correct order of servlet life cycle phase methods
Which of the following manages a list of database drivers in JDBC? A - DriverManager B - JDBC driver C - Connection D - Statement