Sangeeta invested rs 20000 at 8% per anum. If the interest is compounded half yearly, then total interest earned by sangeeta at the end of the year is:
For point detection we use
If any instruction consist of any arithmetic operation, data is transferred to
A view is updatable, if any attribute not listed in select clause can be set to
Discrete probability distribution in which outcome is very small with a very small period of time is classified as
Consider the following oxides
1. Al2O3
2. CaO
3. SiO2
He looked all around and disappeared
Payments app ______launched Digital gold allows the customers to buy and sell gold through an electronic platform
In which of the following styles of dance the story/ theme is always taken from Mahabharata and Ramayana
What is the command to set the execute permissions to all the files and subdirectories within the directory /home/user1/direct
What happen when we try to delete the files on the floppy
The permission -rwSr±r± represented in octal expression
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