Four Cars numbered as (C1, C2, C3 and C4) are participating in a car rally. They have to travel from P to Q then to R. After the race, the following is observed.(i) The digit in the car number and the order in which they depart or arrive at any point is not the same.(ii) The first car to leave P is the second car to reach R.(iii) The first car to reach R is the second car to leave P and the last car to reach Q.Which is the first car to leave P
In a certain code language if the word MIRAGE is coded as ZRJBNJ, then how is the word INTRUDE coded in that language
P, Q, R, S, T and U are six cities which are in a row in the same order. A bus, b1 travels from P to U and another bus b2 travel from U to P. The bus b1 reaches S at 10:40 and bus b2 reaches Q at 10:35 if the travel time between any two adjacent cities is 40 minutes and the stoppage time at each city is 15 minutes, then at what time do they start at their respective destinations
Statement:During 1997-98 the total loss incurred by the 1 1 1 public sector units was to the tune of Rs. 6809 crores which has converted into paid capitals by the government of its total investment of Rs. 5129 crores.Conclusions:I. The government is left with only one option, that is, to privatise these units.II. The government did not take care in the matter of investments in these public sector units
In the year 1991, garment production of company A is more than that of company B but not more than that of company C and D. Production of company E is not as much as that of company B. However, it is less than that of company C. Which company produced the highest number of garments
P, Q, R, S, T and U are six cities which are in a row in the same order. A bus, b1 travels from P to U and another bus b2 travel from U to P. The bus b1 reaches S at 10:40 and bus b2 reaches Q at 10:35 if the travel time between any two adjacent cities is 40 minutes and the stoppage time at each city is 15 minutes.Which city do the two buses meet
Five persons - A, B, C, D and E are being compared in weight and height. The second heaviest person. D is the shortest. A is the 2nd tallest and shorter than E, The heaviest person is the third tallest person. There is only one person shorter than B, who is lighter than E and A respectively.What is the position of A in height and weight respectively
In a row of children standing facing South, Nidhi is seventh from the left end and Rajan is fourth from the right. When Nidhi is shifted two places towards right and Rajan three places left, then there are five children between them. How many children are standing in the row
Eight persons - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table. S is to the immediate right of W. V is not next to either R or T. W is to the immediate right of T, who is sitting opposite to R. U and W are sitting opposite to each other.If V is to the immediate left of P, then who is to the immediate left of R
Five persons - A, B, C, D and E are being compared in weight and height. The second heaviest person. D is the shortest. A is the 2nd tallest and shorter than E, The heaviest person is the third tallest person. There is only one person shorter than B, who is lighter than E and A respectively.Who is the heaviest person
In Rita's class boys and girls are in the ratio of 1:2. From top Rita ranks 8th among girls and 17th among all students. If her rank from the bottom among all students is 20th, how many boys are these below Rita in the class
A, B, C, D, E and F are six cities which are collinear in the same order. The distance between any two adjacent cities is equal. A bus starts at A for city F. It takes 25 minutes for the bus to travel from one city to another and stops for 5 minutes at each place. If the bus reaches E at 8:55, then at what time did it reach station B
The sum of squares of 3 numbers is 170, while the sum of their products taken two at a time is 157.What is the sum of the numbers
If COMPUTER is coded as GKQLYPIN, what is the code for SENATE