A paragraph gives expression to thoughts in any writing.
By solving the equation -y⁄9 - 6 = 14, the value of 'y' is:
For a trading concern which of the following is the most important performance indicator?
The bag was very heavy and it could not be carried by the child. ( Begin : The bag was too .......... )
Scientific methods and means to store, process and transmit vast amounts of information in seconds with help of electronic equipments is called
According to Vygotsky, cognitive development depends on
The amount of gradient is required to be reduced, whenever a horizontal curve and gradient have to be provided together. What is this process known as
If 1 kg of water at its normal boiling point forms 1.671 m3 of steam, the external latent heat of vaporization of water is about (J = 4200\nJ/kcal)
One afternoon, Manisha and Madhuri were talking to each other face to face in Bhopal on M.G. Road. If Manisha's shadow was exactly to the exactly to the left of Madhuri, which direction was Manisha facing
If Planck's constant were zero, then the total energy contained in a box filled with radiation of all frequencies at temperature T would be ( k is the Boltzmann constant and T is nonzero)
Let U and V be two independent zero mean Gaussian random variables of variances 1/4 and 1/9 respectively. The probability P(3V = 2U ) is
A man spends Rs 660 on tables and chairs. The price of each table is Rs. 150 and the price of each chair is Rs. 20. If he buys the maximum number of tables, what is the ratio of chairs to tables purchased
Recursion is similar to which of the following
How many warriors did each elephant carry in the war of mahabharata