Lytton was selected as Viceroy to India to fullfill the ambitious plans of Disraeli in ________
Gneiss has been transformed from
What is the JPA equivalent of hibernate.cfg.xml file
Which annotation is used to create Pk-Fk relation b/w two tables
JPA implementation is provided by ---
_______ is used to convert your application into Web-Application
What's true about the following @Entity association between House and Window?@Entitypublic class Window { @Id private int winNo; @ManyToOne private House aHouse;}@Entitypublic class House { @Id private int houseNo; @OneToMany(mappedBy="aHouse") private List windows;}
What are the JPA @Entity association attributes
How would you display a list of Employees on a webpage along with where they were in the list
To expose a service through RMI, you have to create the service interface that extends
Which attribute of @OneToMany is used to mark an entity as owned
What is the Life Cycle Of A Jpa Entity
Object/relational metadata can be specified directly in the entity class file by using annotations, or in a separate ________ descriptor file distributed with the application