Statement:'No part of the education of a politician in democracy is more indispensable than the fighting of election.' - A politician's statement.Conclusions:I. A politician should be highly educated in influence people and win elections.II. To succeed in politics, it is necessary to learn and practice the art of electioneering
Statement:Mr X, an officer, is alleged to be involved in cases of corruption in office ABC, along with a group of persons.Conclusions:I. Mr X may be a corrupt official from office ABC.II. Mr X may not be involved in cases pf corruption in office ABC
Statement:The maximum number of vacancies for the electrical cadre is 40, which will be filled through this recruitment round - An advertisement of company 'A'.Conclusions:I. The company 'A' may appoint less than 40 clerks in this round.II. The company 'A' may appoint 40 clerks in this round
Statement:Yes, I know honesty is the primary concern for discharging the duties of a police officer and my officers are aware of this. - Statement of police commissioner of city S.Conclusions:I. The statement of police commissioner of city S is absolutely right.II. The statement of police commissioner of city S is not absolutely right
Statement:When I no longer playing cricket or if I feel I am blocking a youngster's place, then only I will quit. - Statement of the captain of country Z's cricket team.Conclusions:I. Right now country 'Z' does not have any promising youngster.II. One who enjoys the game of cricket, has the right to be captain of the country's cricket team
40% of Ram's marks is equal to 20% of Rahim's marks which percent is equal to 30% of Robert's marks. If Robert's marks is 80, then find the average marks of Ram and Rahim
Which of the following is NOT a fusion welding process