Why does she always make lame executes
He hasn't slept in his bed
The students ———————- to submit their reports by the end of this week
The inmates of the juvenile home ———————– well by their caretakers
Beside being a painter of wide acclaim, he is also interested in poetry
I was recommended another lawyer
My friend got his daughter married with an engineer
We must now deal with these problems
Did he remember the date and time
The examinations are fast approaching. Students are busy burning the midnight oil.(A) With the examinations fast approaching .....(B) While the examinations are fast approaching .....(C) As the examinations are fast approaching
She ————————- for a while
Even though he wanted to win the game, the coach felt that he would be ______ if he let the injured quarterback continue to play
The injured ———————- to the hospital in an ambulance
The boys were digging a hole in the ground