Which of the following physical method is used as germicidal in modern time for the treatment of drinking water
The weight of calcium hydroxide in 100 ml of 0.01 molar solution will be
Which two main gases are produced when you burn a piece of wood
The marketing is the art of _________________
His legal ------ is sheela
The diameter of lateral ties in a column shall not be less than
Select the inheritance model which is NOT available in Hibernate
The edges of a cuboid are respectively 3cm, 4cm and 12 cm. Find the length of the diagonal of cuboid
The _____ utilization of human resources can not only help in economic development but can also help in reducing the rate of unemployment.(A) drastic(B) effective(C) minimal(D) optimal(E) nominal(F) voracious
The relation between modulus of rupture Fcr and characteristic strength of concrete Fck is given by
Every number of housing society contributed as much as there are numbers f members in the society. The president added Rs.150 extra from to take the total of Rs. 2,650. How many members are there in the housing society
7, 11 and 13 perfectly divide which of the following numbers
what is next in the number series 9, 54, 135, 252
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