The protesters were concerned that the proposed legislation would have a(n) ______ effect on the state’s nature preserves
With an ______ blow of the whistle, the meddling parent interrupted the game to reiterate the rules of the tournament
The events of the evening ______ without difficulty despite the lack of planning on the part of the host
Every evening at the restaurant, the reporter would eavesdrop on the Mayor’s conversations in order to ______ any information that could make headlines
The swimmer’s back injury ______ his prospects for a gold medal at the world championship competition
When Arnold’s grandmother began to complain about the excruciating pain in her knees and legs, she was referred to an ______ specialist for a diagnosis
Wearing the designer’s latest fashions, the ______ clothing model sashayed down the runway
Henley’s ______ remarks about my presentation did not bother me because I knew I’d done a good job
The ______ nature of the song is supposed to be reminiscent of shepherds calling to their flocks at night
The defense attorney’s choice of words ______ that there were other possible versions of the crime, but the jury was unconvinced
The way my father likes to ______with any salesperson to see if he can bargain for a lower price is embarrassing
Daniela found the unchanging rhythm of the musical piece to be annoyingly ______
During the holiday season, the ______ theme is “Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward All.”
The CEO’s large expense accounts proved she was a ______ spender with the company’s money