In my JCL check, I found error that my GDG base is not available. What should I do now to handle this error?
What will be the output of the following Java code?
import java.util.*;
class hashtable
public static void main(String args[])
Hashtable obj = new Hashtable();
obj.put("A", new Integer(3));
obj.put("B", new Integer(2));
obj.put("C", new Integer(8));
What characters indicate the JCL card is a comment card
Correct the sentence if necessary.
Have you heard the last news.
Oxalic acid is used to prepare standard solution because it is a
It's Thursday today. Tomorrow it ___________ Friday.
In financial markets, period of maturity within one to five years of financial instruments is classified as
Binary relationship sets in UML can be represented by just drawing a line connecting
___________ verb is used to alter the value of index in COBOL
________ is a cross between human language and a programming language
On a playing ground A, B, C, D and E are standing as described below facing the North
(i) B is 50 meters to the right of D
(ii) A is 60 meters to the South of B
(iii) C is 40 meters to the West of D
(iv) E is 80 meters to the North of A Who is to the South-East of the person who is to the left of D
What does CO stands in COBOL
In Java, what do you call an area on the screen that has nice borders and various buttons along the top border
Chandigarh is capital of which State