How many BCD code bits and how many straight binary bits would be required to represent the decimal number 643
Refreshing DRAM typically must occur every ________
The number 140 in octal is equivalent to
If you are a root user, how can you grand execute permission only for the owner of the file project1
If data has less elements than the specified schema elements in pig, then
Which of the following file contains user defined functions (UDFs)
The last statement of the source program should be _______
What is the command to set the execute permissions to all the files and subdirectories within the directory /home/user1/direct
Write the command to display the current date in the form dd/mm/yyyy
wtmp and utmp files contain:
To increase the response time and throughput, the kernel minimizes the frequency of disk access by keeping a pool of inte data buffer called
The permission -rwxr±r± represented in octal expression will be
If COMPUTER is coded as GKQLYPIN, what is the code for SENATE