What is the measure of the fineness of an aquifer?
As compared to associative arrays vector arrays are much
Horizontal gradient pixels are denoted by
Astronomical telescope, as is used to see distant
What is the JPA equivalent of hibernate.cfg.xml file
Which annotation is used to create Pk-Fk relation b/w two tables
What's true about the following @Entity association between House and Window?@Entitypublic class Window { @Id private int winNo; @ManyToOne private House aHouse;}@Entitypublic class House { @Id private int houseNo; @OneToMany(mappedBy="aHouse") private List windows;}
What are the JPA @Entity association attributes
How would you display a list of Employees on a webpage along with where they were in the list
Select the inheritance model which is NOT available in Hibernate
Which attribute of @OneToMany is used to mark an entity as owned
The . . . . . decorator allows us to define the pipe name that is globally available for use in any template in the across application
Object/relational metadata can be specified directly in the entity class file by using annotations, or in a separate ________ descriptor file distributed with the application
One Gigabyte is approximately equal is