The events of the evening ______ without difficulty despite the lack of planning on the part of the host
Awkwardly tall and prone to tripping over her own feet, Grace felt her name was truly a ______
Ariana was outstanding as the moderator; she handled the intensely heated debate with great ______, diplomatically and tactfully keeping the conversation fair and on track
The class endured a loud and lengthy ______ by the teacher on the subject of submitting written work on time
Whenever Tom and I would argue he would ______ with his hands and body to accentuate his point
Must we be subjected to your ______ complaints all day long
We had a wonderful view of the bay through the -----------
Lauren’s ______ features, what you first noticed about her, were her stunning black hair and large, dark eyes
Victor Frankenstein’s creature was a(n) ______, detested by everyone he met
When we were renovating the old house, we found a(n) ______ of $10 and $20 bills hidden inside the old laundry chute
The haunted house displayed ______ scenes in every room, causing squeamish visitors to scream
Amie agrees with the ______ that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence