Fractional conversion __________ with increase in pressure for ammonia synthesis reaction i.e., N2 + 3H2 2NH3
Arun is married to -------- Bobby
The reward was commensurate _________ the work done by us
150, 392, 810, 1452, 2366, __
The man robbed me -------- my possessions
The new owners of the paper changed the ----------- completely
The person refused to grovel _________ the feet of his master
I must apologise _________ him ________ the wrong I have done him
It is not difficult to sympathise ________ an unfortunate man
Give an example pertinent __________ the case
The blood stained road was a witness _______ his assassination
In a certain code language if the word SPLENDOR is coded as UFNJPHQJ, then how is the word DISASTER coded in that language
These remarks are certainly derogatory ________ your reputation