In 2006 Israel fought a brief war with
A man’s basic pay for a 40 hour week is Rs. 2000. Overtime is paid for at 25% above the basic rate. In a certain week, he worked overtime and his total wage was Rs. 2500. He, therefore, worked for a total of
A picture is copied onto a sheet of paper 8.5 inches by 10 inches. A 1.5 inch margin is left all around. What area in square inches does the picture cover
Most common form of A.C. meters met with in every day domestic and industrial installations are
Propylene is subjected to hydroboratio oxidation reaction. The product formed would be
Educational institutions, libraries, hospitals and industries store concerned information by
AngularJS module can be created using ________
Which statement executes the code of sample.js file
Which of following are a valid form of route path
Which statement is valid in using a Node module fs in a Node based application
Where Groovy Script can be used in Soap UI
Which of the followings are valid languages for Node.js
What should you do in your code to improve your application’s performance
Which of the following code encodes the specified URL for use in the sendRedirect method