The ratio of the ages of Anil and his son at present is 7:3. Six years hence, the ratio of the ages of the Anil's wife and the son will be 2:1. Find the ratio of the present ages of Anil and his wife
An amount of Rs.1560 was divided among A, B and C in the ratio 1/2:1/3:1/4. Find the share of C
A man spends Rs 660 on tables and chairs. The price of each table is Rs. 150 and the price of each chair is Rs. 20. If he buys the maximum number of tables, what is the ratio of chairs to tables purchased
Rs 5000 was divided among 5 men, 6 women and 5 boys, such that the ratio of the shares of men, women and boys is 5:3:2 what is the share of the boy