The number of proton in an 'atom' is also known as:
The basic storage element in a digital system is
(Cost price - selling) price is equal to
An instrument whose output is a sinusoidal voltage that varies over a complete frequency band (generally at an audio rate) slowly & continuously is referred as _________
_____ is an artificial body that is projected from earth to orbit either earth (or) another body of solar systems
In 8088, which of the following option differs from 8086
Default size of H6 bootstrap heading
If a current element is z-directed, Then vector magnetic potential is
_____ is an instrument which provides different types of waveforms whose frequency values can be varied and adjusted overa wide range (1HZ to several hundred KHZ)
The typical quiescent power dissipation of low-power CMOS units is
Bus cycle is equal to ______number of clocking periods
In Worst case ECL noise margins are approximately
The order of input resistance in 741 OPAMP is
A person using convex lense must be suffering from