Two involute gears in a mesh have path of approach = 29.83 mm and path of recess = 21.09 mm. The larger gear has 40 teeth and the pinion has 12 teeth. Find the ratio of the sliding to rolling velocity at the:
i) beginning of contact
ii) end of contact
iii) pitch point
r = 72 mm
Some of MOS families are PMOS, NMOS, CMOS. The family dominating the LSI field where low power consumption is necessary is
The characteristic polynomial of a system is q(s) = 2s5 + s4 + 4s3 + 2s2 + 1. The system is
A code in which each individual digit of a decimal number is represented by a 4-bit binary number is _________
The given characteristic polynomial s4 + s3 + 2s2 + 2s + 3 = 0 has
The number of roots of s3 + 2s2 + 7s + 3 = 0 in the left half of the s-plane is
For the polynomial P(s) = s5 + s4 + 2s3 + 2s2 + 3s + 15 The number of roots which lie in the right half of the s plane is
For the characteristic equation s5 + s4 + 2s3 + 2s2 + 3s + 15 = 0, the number of roots in left half s plane are
Numbers of northings of map increases towards
In a two-pass assembler, the task of the Pass II is to
Which of the following time system operates with a continuous time signal & produces a continuous time output signal
The open loop transfer function of a unity gain negative feedback control system is given by G(s) = (s2 + 4s + 8)/[s(s + 2)(s + 8)]. The angle ? , at which the root locus approaches the zeros of the system, satisfies
State the complexity of algorithm given belowint function(vector arr) int len=arr.length(); if(len==0) return; temp=arr[len-1]; arr.pop_back(); return temp;
A discrete signal is said to be odd or asymmetric if x(-n) is equal to