Which of the following is the major advantage of Travelling wave tube over Klystron
Which of the following is the disadvantage of microstrips with respect to stripline circuit
_______ is the best medium for handling the large microwave power
A space between two cavities in two cavity klystron is _______
___________ is an interconnection of components connected or related in such a manner as to command, direct or regulate itself or another system
Short term fading in microwave communication links can be overcome by
In multicavity klystron additional cavities are inserted between buncher & catcher cavities to achieve
On which of the following principle does Klystron operates
Reflex klystron is a ______
Which of the following elements are taken in Microwave
For which of the following reason, the Varactor diode is not useful at microwave frequencies
Which of the following is one of the mode in Reflex Klystron
Traveling Wave Tube is __________
___Which of the following term is used to describe the microwave radiation which is present throughout universe and appears to originate from matter in any form at a finite temperature