Statements:All rankers are intelligent.All intelligent people are smart.Some intelligent are dark.Conclusions:I. No ranker is a smart.II. Some dark are rankers.III. Some smart are dark.IV. Some rankers are smart
Statements:Some files are not tubs.All buckets are tubs.Some files are mugs.Conclusions:I. Some buckets are files.II. Some files are not buckets.III. Some tubs are not mugs
Statements:Some lights are bright.Some lights are not shine.All glitters are gold.Some shine are glitter.Conclusions:I. Some shine are not gold.II. All shine are gold.III. Some shine are bright.IV. No gold is a shines
Statements:All potters are clerks.No clerk is teacher.Some teachers are judges.Conclusions:I. Some judges are not clerks.II. Some teachers are potters.III. No potter is a teacher
Statements: All teachers are men. All men are illiterate. Conclusions: I. All teachers are illiterate. II. Some illiterate men are teachers
Statements:All that is tough is hard.Some that are tough are rough.No thing that is tough is smooth.Some things that are smooth are soft.Conclusions:I. Some that are rough are hard.II. No thing that is rough is hard.III. All hard are soft.IV. Some that are hard are not soft
Statements:Some social workers are generous.Some generous people are rich.Conclusion:I. No social workers is a rich.II. Some rich people are social workers
Statements:All males are children.All children are females.No female is tall.Conclusion:I. All males are females.II. Some children are not tall.III. No male is tall
Statements:Some painters are sculptorsSome sculptors are artistsConclusions:I. No artist is a painterII. All artists being sculptors is a possibility
Statements:Ravi is tall.No tall person is fair.All fair persons are short.Conclusions:I. Ravi is fair.II. Ravi is short.III. Some short are not tall
Statements:All rupees are coins.All coins are minted in the mint.No mint is small.Conclusions:I. All rupees are minted in the mint.II. Some rupees are small.III. No coin is small
Statements All mangoes are sweet.All chocolates are sweet.Conclusions:I. All chocolates are mangoes.II. Some mangoes are chocolates
Statements:Orchids are plants.Bamboos are grasses.Grasses are not trees.Some plants are trees.Conclusions:I. Some Orchids are trees.II. No Bamboo is a tree.III. Some grasses are plants.IV. No grass is a plant
Statements:All carpenters are agile people.Some agile people are quick.No soft is quick.Conclusions:I. Some carpenters are soft.II. Some carpenters are quick.III. Some agile are not soft