Which of the following class makes thumbnail image
Default size of H6 bootstrap heading
Which of the following aspect ratio is used with responsive video in bootstrap
What will happen if a return statement does not have an associated expression
The pop() method of the array does which of the following task
What are Bootstrap Carousel plugins
The bootstrap class md means for
Prasanna got the company car for a ----------- price as he was the seniormost employee in the company
Which of the following contextual class is used for warning purpose
About Bootstrap cross-browser compatibility which of the following is right
A puppy was trying to find its mother. It was facing East and walked 10 m. if turned south then and walked another 10 m. then it started walking towards North it walked 20 m and turned West. After that, it walked 10 m and moved 2 m South. In which direction and how far is it from the original position
Fundamental HTML Block is known as ___________