Ten percent of Ram's monthly salary is equal to eight percent of Shyam's monthly salary. Shyam's monthly salary is twice Abhinav's monthly salary. If Abhinav's annual salary is Rs. 1.92 lakhs, find Ram's monthly salary
Ravi purchased a refrigerator and a mobile phone for Rs. 15000 and Rs. 8000 respectively. He sold the refrigerator at a loss of 4 percent and the mobile phone at a profit of 10 percent. Overall he make a
Ramesh purchased a refrigerator for Rs. 12500 after getting a discount of 20% on the labelled price. He spent Rs. 125 on transport and Rs. 250 on installation. At what price should it be sold so that the profit earned would be 10% if no discount was offered
The cost price of a radio is Rs.1500 and it was sold for Rs.1230, find the loss %
Mahesh marks an article 15% above the cost price of Rs. 540. What must be his discount percentage if he sells it at Rs. 496.80
Ravi invested certain amount for two rates of simple interests at 6% p.a. and 7% p.a. What is the ratio of Ravi's investments if the interests from those investments are equal
Siddharth wants to borrow Rs.6000 at rate of interest 6% p.a. at S.I and lend the same amount at C.I at same rate of interest for two years. What would be his income in the above transaction
Choose the correct output for given set of code enum per { a, b, c, d, } per.a = 10; Console.writeline(per.b);
What does the following piece of code do?for (int i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++){ for (int j = i+1; j < arr.length; j++) { if( (arr[i].equals(arr[j])) && (i != j) ) { System.out.println(arr[i]); } }}
Vijay bought 160 shirts at the rate of Rs. 225 per shirt. The transport expenditure was Rs. 1400. He paid an octroi at the rate of Rs. 1.75 per shirt and labour charges were Rs. 320. What should be the selling price of one shirt, if he wants a profit of 20%
Raj invested an amount of Rs.17400 for two years. Find the rate of compound interest that will fetch him an amount of Rs.1783.50 at the end of two years