To ensure deadlock prevention, we can use the preemption approach and
A way of guarding against deadlock prevention is to
The term that is considered to be an ideal way of structuring interaction with a database is called
The schema for relation r, with 'R' denoting the set of attributes, can be expressed by the notation
The database design prevents some data from being stored due to
Considering change in schema statement in SQL, command which is used to delete records of table and leave definition of table for later use is classified as
SQL supports forms of user-defined data types, in form of
Forming a single logical unit of task from a collection of routine operations is called
The term that is considered to be an ideal way of structuring interaction with a database is called
Serializability can be ensured by two-phase locking protocol but not
A transaction is said to be a unit of program's
Standard which allows access to DBMS by Java client programs is classified as
A term saying that no two transactions to be executed concurrently is referred as
Which functions allow to change the location of the get and put positions