In the data model, the inherent constraints are classified as
The constraints that are applied on individual tuples and are verified whenever any tuple is modified or new tuple is inserted are called
Database catalog or dictionary defining descriptive information which is stored in database is called
Basic operations that can be performed on relations are
Data model, access path and number of users of database management system are criteria for
Application program interface in two tier architecture database management system is provided by the
The constraints which deals with the changes in the database are classified as
Command which returns first record of just opened file is classified as
Constraint which is used to specify consistency in two or more relations among tuples is classified as
Constraint which specifies minimum number of relationship instances is classified as
Considering the device specifications, the byte sizes are usually from
Constraint violated when key value in tuple already exists in some other relation's tuple is called
Collection of known and useful raw facts that has some meaning and can be processed in useful way is classified as
Select * from employee where salary>10000 and dept_id=101; Which of the following fields are displayed as output