An error that occurs because of some internal condition that interrupts the normal execution is called
A protocol that ensures the system will never enter a deadlock state is called
While insertion in a sparse index, we assume that index stores an entry for each
A protocol that ensures system will never enter a deadlock state is called
Database is partitioned into storage units of fixed length, known to be
In a dense index, if search-key value does not appear in index, system inserts
Atomicity is ensured by a component of database called the
An error that occurs because of some internal condition that interrupts normal execution is called
A transaction that is inserting a new tuple into database is given an
The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when the time is 8:30
For select operation the ________ appear in the subscript and the ___________ argument appears in the paranthesis after the sigma
The slope of the thread with horizontal is known as