In ExpressJS, the method app.all(path, callback [, callback ...]) can accept all HTTP methods
Where is captured values are populated regarding route parameters
What is the Django command to view a database schema of an existing (or legacy) database
Which of following are a valid form of route path
Child processes always have three streams child.stdin, child.stdout, and child.stderr which may be shared with the stdio streams of the parent process
How do you concatenate two QuerySets into one list?
Route paths, in combination with a request method, define the endpoints at which requests can be made. Which of following are valid form of route path
The elements such as bold(b), italic(i), strong(strong), emphasis(em) are the examples of
Imagine that you sent following ajax request:$.post("/process", {name:'john'}, function(data){ // Do some stuff}); What will be the answer from the server?Tip: On server side, we have the code which is given below'/process', function(req, res){ var data = ''; if(req.xhr){ data += 'One'; } if({ data += 'Two'; } res.send(data);});
How to store local variables that can be access within the application
Which of the following statements holds good with respect to Node
What function arguments are available to Express.js Route handlers
How can we create chainable route handlers for a route path in ExpressJS app
What will be the output of the below code in the console?File: = 'Zeus'; Code:var my_module = require('./mymodule');console.log((function(settings){ return settings.split('').reverse().join('')})(;