An E. coli cell of volume 10-12 cm3 contains 60 molecules of lac-repressor. The repressor has a binding affinity (Kd) of 10-8 M and 10-9 M with and without lactose respectively, in the medium.Therefore the lac-operon is
In a muscle, the extracellular and intracellular concentrations of Na+ are 150 mM and 12 mM, and those of K+ are 2.7 mM and 140 mM, respectively. Assume that the temperature is 25oC and that the membrane potential is -60 mV, with the interior more negatively charged than the exterior. (R = 8.314 J mol-1 K-1; F = 96.45 kJ mol-1 V-1) The free energy change for the transport of three Na+ out of the cell is
In a muscle, the extracellular and intracellular concentrations of Na+ are 150 mM and 12 mM, and those of K+ are 2.7 mM and 140 mM, respectively. Assume that the temperature is 25oC and that the membrane potential is -60 mV, with the interior more negatively charged than the exterior. (R = 8.314 J mol-1 K-1; F = 96.45 kJ mol-1 V-1) The free energy change for the transport of two K+ into the cell is
A disease is inherited by a child with a probability of 1/4. In a family with two children, the probability that exactly one sibling is affected by this disease is