Ciphers of today are called round ciphers because they involve
Relationship between a character in plaintext to a character is
In Cryptography, when text is treated at bit level, each character is replaced by
What type of symmetric key algorithm using a streaming cipher to encrypt information
Statement:A 14 year old school boy was found to be the main culprit behind the recent bank robbery. When he was prosecuted he said that he was inspired by movies on the 'Star movies', a channel beamed by the local Cable T.V. network and this is the latest incident that supports the cause and effect theory under examination.Conclusions:I. Movies have a great impact on some young minds.II. Young minds are adventures
Statement:Eighty percent of the employees of X Ltd. earn more than Rs. 5000 per month. Seventy percent of employees of X Ltd. work as supervisors.Conclusions:I. All the supervisors earn more than Rs. 5000 per month.II. Less than 100% of the supervisors earn more than Rs.5000 per month
Statement:Food kiosks, rickshaw stands, hawkers and car repair shops, that are multiplying on the city's pavements, is leading to congestion. Residents of ground floor flats and buildings near markets are the worst affected as a result.Courses of Action:I. Hawkers should be evicted from the pavements.II. All encroachments should be immediately removed.III. Residents should relocate to more peaceful surroundings
Statement Students attendance in regular colleges is falling day by day, while in private coaching centers the situation is just the opposite.Courses of Action:I. Students must be given individual attention.II. At least once in a week they must be given a test.III. Without proper attendance, a student must not be allowed to attend the final examinations
Statement:Poor umpiring decisions have come close to ruining the charm of cricket. Not only do bad umpiring decisions influence the outcome of a game but it can also ruin a player's career.Courses of Action:I. Umpires of high standing and repute only should be allowed to officiate.II. All decisions should be made on the basis of TV replays ans associated technology to avoid human error.III. All matches where such poor decisions have altered the course of a game should be replayed
Statement:Many big time cinema producers are becoming T.V. serial producers these days.Conclusions:I. T.V. Serials are not risky.II. Movie making is very expensive
Statement:All the black-marketeers of foreign currencies are seen near the port, whenever a new ship arrives. Mr. A, one such black-marketeer, is near the port.Conclusions:I. A new ship has arrived.II. No new ship has arrived
In a school of 850 boys, 44% of Muslims, 28% Hindus, 10% Sikhs and the remaining of other communities. How many belonged to the other communities
Statement:The pigeon was one of the agents of mail in the past; still in some parts of Orissa pigeon mail is used by the Police department.Conclusions:I. The Department Of Post and Telegraph has not made any progress in the last country.II. The Police must be finding the pigeons more convenient as compared to the other sources of postal delivery
Which of the following microwave tube amplifier uses an axial magnetic field & radial electric field