Just like cultures, microcultures may vary from
An increase in user or team knowledge or sophistication is the primary factor leading to
An increase in user or team knowledge or sophistication is primary factor leading to
Scope change
Everything outside system that delivers inputs or receives outputs from system is known as
Managers must be involved in making choices that require balancing in
Just like cultures, microcultures may vary from
Terminology that defines degree to which activities within an organization are subdivided is known to be
Chances for successful completion of a multidisciplinary project are
PM must perceive sufficient technical knowledge to
Common characteristics of effective project team members includes high-quality technical skills, political sensitivity and
Problem of being unable to represent some information, can be solved by introducing
Any two numbers x and y, written in form(x,y) is called
A and B put in Rs.300 and Rs.400 respectively into a business. A reinvests into the business his share of the first year's profit of Rs.210 where as B does not. In what ratio should they divide the second year's profit
Which of the following concepts provides facility of using object of one class inside another class