If you are face ethical dilemma, what should be your first step to resolve the issue
Condensation principle features
From the given choice select the odd one out
The left outer join preserves tuples only in the relation named before
In matrices, inter-industry demand is summarized as
Third requirement of simplex method is that all variables are restricted to include
Consider the following statements.A. The loans disbursed to farmers under Kisan Credit Card Scheme are covered under Rashtiya Krishi Bema Yojna of Life Insurance Corporation of IndiaB. The Kisan Credit Card holders are provided personal accident insurance of Rs 50, 000 for accidental death and Rs 25,000 for permanent disabilityWhich of the statements given above is/are correct
It is decided to construct a 2 metre broad pathway around a rectangular plot on the inside. If the area of the plots is 96 sq.m. and the rate of construction is Rs. 50 per square metre., what will be the total cost of the construction
My mother wears gold jewelry. (which word is a material noun?)
(?)2% of 650 = (20)2 + (4)2
An order was placed for the supply of a carper whose length and breadth were in the ratio of 3 : 2. Subsequently, the dimensions of the carpet were altered such that its length and breadth were in the ratio 7 : 3 but were was no change in its parameter. Find the ratio of the areas of the carpets in both the cases
Regarding following statement which of the statements is true? const int a = 100;
Find correct sequence of sentence :
P: appear in examinations
Q: many students from all over India
R: by different organisations
S: which are held on all India basis
Radio capacity may be increased in cellular concept by