Graph type which is specifically designed for producing characteristic curve families for semiconductor devices is called
SPICE version 3 was written in
Analysis in which we replace a capacitor with an empty space and an inductor with a wire is called
In statement '.TRAN 1ns 100ns UIC .OP 20ns' operating point is calculated at t=
A small signal analysis in frequency domain is termed as
In SPICE, linear small signal calculation in frequency domain rather than time domain is termed as
In SPICE, a small-signal input/output gain and impedance calculation is termed as
In SPICE, AC analysis is a linear modified
SPICE ver.3 written in C language uses
In SPICE, nonlinear quiescent point calculation is
Statement used to store an estimate of DC operating point during transient analysis is
In statement '.TRAN 1ns 100ns UIC .OP 20ns', UIC is
Transient analysis in a SPICE first perform analysis of
General purpose, open source analog electronic simulator is known as