Statement:The 'M' state government has decided hence forth to award the road construction contracts through open tenders only.Courses of action:I. The 'M' state will not be able to get the work done swiftly as it will have to go through tender and other procedures.II. Hence forth the quality of roads constructed may be far better
Which keyword is used to refer baseclass constructor to subclass constructor
The interface ResultSet has a method, getMetaData(), that returns a/an
The method on the result set that tests whether or not there remains at least one unfetched tuple in the result set, is said to be
The Swing Component classes that are used in Encapsulates a mutually exclusive set of buttons
Which of the following does not belong: If a class inherits from some other class, it should
How many types of controls does AWT supports these controls are subclasses of component
Name the class used to represent a GUI application window, which is optionally resizable and can have a title bar, an icon, and menus
What does the following piece of code do?for(int i = 0; i < row; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < column; j++) { if(i == j) sum = sum + (array[i][j]); }}System.out.println(sum);
Which statement is true regarding an object
What is a component of Distributed Jmeter Test
Given a class named student, which of the following is a valid constructor declaration for the class
Exception is a class/interface/abstract class/other
If COMPUTER is coded as GKQLYPIN, what is the code for SENATE