The mathematical optimization technique is classified as
Feasible region's optimal solution for a linear objective function always includes
Graph which is plotted for projected net present value and capital rates is called
In transportation models designed in linear programming, the sources of supply of homogenous commodity is classified as
One of two subsets for solution set, one subset satisfies equality part of equation and other subset solves
If there is no significant differences in item quality supplied by different sources then it is classified as
* projects which are mutually exclusive but different on scale of production or time of completion then the
Objective of linear programming for an objective function is to
Roots of equation 9x² - 9x + 1 = 0 are
In a certain code language, if the word SANDWICH is coded as ADSHCIWN, then how is the word GEOMETRY coded in that language
Which of the following expressions is correct if the expression 'Z > Y > = W < V' is definitely correct
In a certain code language NATIONALISM is written as OINTANMSAIL. How is DEPARTMENTS written in that code
HEMT(High Electron Mobility Transistor) used in microwave circuit is a _________
A device for changing the connection on a connector to a different configuration is ______