Which mode of 8253 can provide pulse width modulation?
In ___________ type of modulation method, the pulse width is not equal for all the pulses.
When atoms lose or gain electrons they acquire configuration of:
An ideal DAC converts the abstract numbers into a conceptual sequence of
Asynchronous logic is thought can be superior because its speed is not constrained by
A measurement of maximum speed at which DACs circuitry can operate and still produce correct output is called
Converter which converts analog signal to digital one is known as
Quantization error is basically
According to Nyquist theorem, if highest frequency of signal is f, we need to sample signal
The difference between the highest and the lowest frequencies of a signal is known as
When 8086 is interfaced to two 8259s (Programmable interrupt controllers) & 8259’s are in master slave configuration then the number of interrupts available to the 8086 microprocessor are ______