The Fourier series for the function f (x) = sin²x is ______________
55,49,67,47,22 का योगात्मक माध्य क्या है?
A is the only son of P.P is B's mother's mother-in-law. How A is related to B?
Message digest needs to be
Who among the following is known as 'the father of local self government' in India
When displaying a data-name, it _______ be part of an output record
Indicate in which of the following, the REPORT NAME does not appear
___________ verb is used to alter the value of index in COBOL
Indicate which of the following is not a Procedure Division verb
The Logical Name of the File will be assigned to
Which division is used to specify the computer used by the program
How many bytes will a S9(8) COMP field occupy
About the MERGE verb, which one of the following is true
Select variable which is accessible only to the batch program