We actually do not see with our eyes – we see with our brains.
Type that converts a type to a single Unicode character is
In database management system, term which is used to represent real world concept or object is classified as
Format or data type must be specified for
People with realistic personality approach often choose careers as
Pass transistor is driven by a periodic clock signal and acts as an access switch to either charge up or charge down the
Constraint which is used to specify consistency in two or more relations among tuples is classified as
The area enclosed by the adjacent isohyets of a catchment basin are shown under : The average depth of annual precipitation in the catchment basin will be
The total weight of a pycnometer with water and oven dried soil 20 (g) is 1600 g. The pycnometer filled with water alone weighs 1500 g. The specific gravity of the soil, is
Chandragupta Maurya was converted to Jainism due to the influence of
Which of the following crops is of Kharif season
Which gate can be used as anti-coincidence detector
If 1 joule of work is done against electric field in bringing 1C positive charge from infinity to a point in electric field then potential at that point will be
The _________ property for an index causes MongoDB to reject duplicate values for the indexed field