Directions: Identify the type of joint after carefully reading the given clues.
One bone rotates over the end of the other bone.
Its example-the skull rotates on the upper end of the back bone, as an example.
What is the native country of the creator of Porsche?
The government of which of the following states launched Pashudhan Bima Yojana?
The Japanese space probe ”Hayabusa” was targeted at
Chain of program of computer system is as strong as its
GNOME is a project that was developed by
Getting device attributes of computer system is a
KornShell of operating system program is used by the
CloseHandle() call function in windows operating system is a UNIX's function called for
What is the length of a running train P crossing another running train Q
These two trains take 18 seconds to cross each other
These trains are running in opposite directions
The length of the train Q is 180 metres
What will be the output of the program
public class Test
public static void main(String [] args)
int I = 1;
do while ( I < 1 )
System.out.print("I is " + I);
while ( I > 1 ) ;
Who among the following assumed the title of 'Ksitipasatapatih'
If COMPUTER is coded as GKQLYPIN, what is the code for SENATE