Which section of the business plan describes how much money is required to finance the business, where these funds will be spent and when they will be needed
Strategic entrepreneurial marketing has been summarised as the 4Is, identification of target markets, interactive marketing methods, informal intelligence gathering and - what is the fourth?
Strategy to develop capabilities in company value chain is called
A mix of strategic resources that builds capability and competencies is said to be a
An organization competencies contribute to its
A tool to identify the operational areas where competencies and capabilities exist is known to be
Level of strategy that achieves performance objectives with financial metrics, is said to be at the
Monetizing an idea to make money with some method of operations is known to be
Development of an idea that fills a gap in customer experiences is known to be
Level of strategy that uses capabilities and competencies for competitive advantage, is said to be at the
Sources such as product based, service based, subscription based and advertising based lie under domain of
A business model can be checked against quantitative components of
A strategy to develop capabilities in company value chain is called
The requests from Content Provider class is handled by method