A pair of equations to determine the value of 2 variables is called.
I'll be . . . . . . . . . school later today
A diagonal matrix having equal elements is called a
If number of rows in A matrix are equal to number of column in B matrix, then A and B are comfortable for
If A(BC) = (AB)C, then with respect to multiplication this law is called
If a matrix ‘A’ has ‘mrsquo; number of columns and ‘nrsquo; number of rows then m × n is said to be
If two matrices A and B have same order and their corresponding elements are equal then it is called
We can add two matrices having real numbers A and B if their
If A and B matrices are of same order and a + b = B + A, this law is known as
Solving equations 3x - 2y = 13, 2x + 2y = 0 using graphical method gives us
Vertically arranged elements in a matrix are called
A scalar matrix having each element equal to 1 is said to be
Model made up of equations and data is known as
Which of these interface is implemented by Thread class