They __________ into their cars and drove away.
The Chief guest, with his wife, __________.
Sita or her brother__to be blamed
The news __________ not updated timely.
No one could hear him, he ____________ in a low voice
Cheaper houses ____________ provided to workers by factory
They ___________ swimming at beach
He heard train ___________ coming
If you are in town, you ___________ come to me
It ___________ drizzling throughout previous day
My computer broke down, so I ___________ continue my work
Statement:"'Music Loving Club' has announced a wide variety of programmes by the visiting musicians." - An advertisement.Assumptions:I. A large number of people are interested to get entertainment through the programme.II. The artistes may attract a large number of audience
He goes to office by train daily
The address mapping is done, when the program is initially loaded is called ?