Pointing towards a person in a photograph, Pinki said, "He is the cousin of my mother's husband". How is that person related to Pinki?
The angular deviation of the vector located at the face center from the vector connecting the two cell centers called
How many enumerators will exist if four threads are simultaneously working on an ArrayList object
An instrument whose output is a sinusoidal voltage that varies over a complete frequency band (generally at an audio rate) slowly & continuously is referred as _________
_____ is an artificial body that is projected from earth to orbit either earth (or) another body of solar systems
Determine the Fourier transform of unit step x(t) = u(t)
Calculate the value for IDQ using the below information
_____ is a device in which there is a transfer of resistance from input side which is forward biased (low resistance) to output side which is reverse biased (high resistance)
For a time varying input the quality of indication by the instrument is referred as _______
Depth of penetration in free space is ______
The given system is characterized by the differential equation d2y(t)/dt2-dy(t)/dt-2y(t)= x(t). Then the system is
________are electronic circuits which give constant DC output voltage, irrespective of variations in Input Voltage V, current drawn by the load I from output terminals
The below diagram is __________
A puppy was trying to find its mother. It was facing East and walked 10 m. if turned south then and walked another 10 m. then it started walking towards North it walked 20 m and turned West. After that, it walked 10 m and moved 2 m South. In which direction and how far is it from the original position